Saturday, December 8, 2012

Conscious Technology

This post extends my prior posts - Voluntary Evolution and Thought-controlled STMs

Endosymbiotic theory suggests that mitochondria, and other organelles, were once separate single-cell organisms that converged with eukaryotes to form an integrated biological system. As molecular technology advances (i.e. nanotechnology and picotechnology) it will also become integrated with our biological systems.

It is quite clear that both life and technology advance exponentially - this connection seems to suggest that technology is co-evolving with life (Ray Kurzweil and Kevin Kelly).

Evolution has taken inanimate matter, and organized it, in such a fashion, as to create an automated system - known as life. Out of automation, our biological systems continue to function and evolve non-voluntarily.

For instance, it's not my choice in how much insulin my body produces. Furthermore, my body doesn't offer voluntary control over insulin production. Instead, humans (such as diabetics) depend on technology to regulate insulin levels.

It was out of consciousness that humans built technology. In the 20th century technology really started to change with the advent of autonomous technology. First in 1913 with the implementation of the assembly line by Henry Ford, and then again with the personal computer in the 1980's by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

But why do we build technology?

It almost appears as if evolution follows a pattern:
(1) Convert inanimate matter into involuntary automated systems
(2) Convert involuntary automated systems into voluntary (conscious) automated systems

The next step, for human evolution is to integrate technology into our own biological systems as a way to gain voluntary control over our biochemistry. We are using technology to evolve towards a purely voluntary system, and away from an involuntary system.

Timothy Montague